plot twist

I’ve been learning to paint for the last 12 months or so and feel like I’m ready to share some work. So far it’s easier than learning German grammar but I definitely went through the I-really-suck-at-this phase. I will probably go through it again - many times! Mixing infinite colours from a limited palette of about nine or ten colours is by far my favourite part.

It makes me squirm a bit - posting images of these paintings while I’m still finding my voice using this new language - but I figure it might make for an entertaining retrospective one day. The paintings below are all based on online classes so I don’t feel like I can really call them ‘mine’ - the floral ones in particular look to me like someone else painted them.

Next step is using my own photos as the basis for creating a body of work. Sounds straightforward but it’s also daunting. Can’t wait to see what falls out.

Images below:

  • Landscapes from Acrylic University lessons and reference images. All of them are after Jed Dorsey, except for the one with the blue house which is my composition from his reference image.

  • An unexpected tulip phase from Ali Kay Studio lessons and reference images. After Ali Kay.